John Mulaney Can Instantly Describe the Plot to Any Movie in History With Extreme Accuracy

From Esquire

John Mulaney is more than just a stand up comedian. He's a writer. An actor. An aspiring Broadway singer. Oh, and he's on the cover of our October issue. And, in our new video, the multi-talented comedy creative reveals that he knows the plot of every single movie in history. Well, almost.

We prompted Mulaney with a familiar film titles and asked him to give us plot summaries as fast as possible. And he's actually pretty good at it. In fact, most of the synopses he drops are not only right on the money, but they even resemble sharp stand up bits that a comedian might take weeks to flesh out. Mulaney did it for us in seconds. Is there nothing this man cannot do?

Photo credit: Christian Anwander
Photo credit: Christian Anwander

John Mulaney covers the October 2019 issue of Esquire

This video has everything! Mulaney telling Swedish filmmakers to stop being so insane. He insults college kids who have Reservoir Dogs posters in their dorms. The comedian even explains what all men really want: to be adored, and then left completely alone. We couldn't have said it better ourselves.

Mulaney had a lot more to tell us in our October cover story, which you can read right here. His sense of humor has been quietly reshaping the way pop culture cracks jokes, bringing a welcome lightness and cartoonish tone to a comedy landscape that lately feels like it's always on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Ya got to love Mulaney. If only he could remember the title of Midsommar. Mid-Solmar?

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