Jimmy Kimmel Fires Back at Kayleigh McEnany After Press Conference ‘Scolding’


Earlier this week, Jimmy Kimmel shared a hypothesis with viewers about why President Donald Trump would take an unproven drug to prevent the coronavirus but refused to wear a mask. “I thought about it for a long time last night and I’ve come to what I think is the only reasonable conclusion,” the late-night host said. “He’s trying to kill himself.”

Apparently White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany didn’t find that joke very funny.

“Have you been watching the Hydroxy Horror Picture Show?” Kimmel asked Wednesday night. “The president this week claimed he has been taking hydroxychloroquine to stave off the coronavirus. And of course his disciples are now doing it too.”

Citing reports that Trump fans have been attempting to make their own hydroxychloroquine at home, Kimmel added, “I have to say I like this idea. That’s good old-fashioned American initiative! Boil up some homemade hydroxy! What could possibly go wrong?”

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“Here’s the thing,” he continued. “If you're dumb enough to think it’s a good idea to make your own hydroxychloroquine at home, you’re probably not smart enough to make your own hydroxychloroquine at home.”

That brought the host to the “scolding” he received at Wednesday’s press conference from the woman he referred to as “White House press secretary number four, Kayla Mac-a-looney.”

“No one should be taking this without a prescription from their doctor,” McEnany told reporters. “But that being said, I’ve seen a lot of apoplectic coverage of hydroxychloroquine. You had Jimmy Kimmel saying the president’s ‘trying to kill himself’ by taking it, you had Joe Scarborough saying ‘this will kill you.’ You had Neil Cavuto saying, ‘What have you got to lose? The one thing you have to lose are lives.’”

“She’s definitely still getting her hair colored, right?” Kimmel said when McEnany was done. “Anyway, thank you for watching, Kayleigh. It’s always nice to welcome a new fan.”

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