Jimmy Carter Hospitalized Again For Health Issues

Former President Jimmy Carter is back in the hospital after struggling with a series of health issues. He was treated once after undergoing a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain stemming from his recent falls.

The oldest living president was hospitalized over Thanksgiving weekend to treat a urinary tract infection. The Carter Center released a statement on the former president's condition and how he is currently feeling after the weekend.

"Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was admitted to Phoebe Sumter Medical Center in Americus, Ga., this past weekend for treatment for a urinary tract infection," the statement read. "He is feeling better and looks forward to returning home soon."

"We will issue a statement when he is released for further rest and recovery at home."


Jimmy Carter Hospitalized Again Amid Ongoing Health Issues

Former President Jimmy Carter Recovering After Brain Surgery

Jimmy Carter:The Longest Living Former President

Carter has officially survived longer than any other president in U.S. history following the passing of former president George H.W. Bush in August 2018. However, this has not been an easy year for Carter.

The former president has been in and out of the hospital several times in the past year.

He has stated that he only thought he had a 'few weeks left' to live and was on the verge of death.

"I just thought I had a few weeks left, but I was surprisingly at ease,” Carter said during a press conference. “I’ve had an exciting and adventurous and gratifying existence.”

Jimmy Carter: A True Survivor

Carter 95 is a true survivor and a patriot. He has been through many uphill battles—but is still the oldest living president. He's like the Energizer bunny; his batteries haven't run out yet. He's a fighter and keeps on going!

He underwent cancer treatment at the age of 90. His recent string of hospital stays stems from several falls he experienced starting in May and with the most recent coming in October, shortly after his 95th birthday.

He fell at his Georgia home and was sent to the hospital with a minor pelvis fracture and a cut that required stitches.

Carter: Keeping His Engagements Despite His Health Issues

Carter has kept his engagements despite his recent health issues. He was committed to teaching Sunday School just weeks after his fall.

"President Carter said that it was important to him and I will do whatever I can to support him," Pastor Tony Lowden said at the time. "His goal is to tell everybody about Christ. That is what he is passionate about."

It's amazing that Carter wants to stay active and not lie in a hospital bed. But he still has to watch himself.

We wish the former president a speedy recovery.