Jim Carrey Shows Trump Wearing Red KKK Hood in Latest Cartoon

Jim Carrey upped the ante in his latest political cartoon of Donald Trump — this time, portraying the president in a red version of the Ku Klux Klan robes with the words “Make America Hate Again” emblazoned on the hood.

“After Trump’s unhinged debate debacle, MAGA has a new uniform. Those red hats just didn’t tell the whole story,” the comedian captioned his cartoon.

Carrey’s latest cartoon comes a day after he posted an illustration of Trump with hair in the shape of a swastika with the visage of Adolf Hitler at the side; the caption read, “Trump’s allegiances couldn’t have been any clearer in that debate if his hair were on fire — and it was.”

Also Read: Get Your 1st Look at Jim Carrey's Joe Biden on 'SNL' (Video)

The critical cartoons are in response to the president’s failure to condemn white supremacy and militia groups during Tuesday’s presidential debate and, instead, his decision to tell the Proud Boys — an FBI-designated extremist group with ties to white nationalism and an SPLC-designated hate group — to “stand back and stand by.”

Take a look at Carrey’s cartoon below:

After Trump’s unhinged debate debacle, MAGA has a new uniform. Those red hats just didn’t tell the whole story. #BidenHarris pic.twitter.com/Vo8pbcsvHz

— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) October 1, 2020

Read original story Jim Carrey Shows Trump Wearing Red KKK Hood in Latest Cartoon At TheWrap