Jillian Michaels' Response to Lizzo Backlash Only Receives Further Criticisms on Social Media

The fitness aficionado and The Biggest Loser trainer, Jillian Michaels, recently released a statement to the backlash that she received from people on social media following her comments about the musical artist, Lizzo, and her weight and health.

While trying to make mends to her reputation and perception on social media as a result of the comments, she only further dug herself into a hole, as people were not holding back any punches when it came to the message that Michaels was trying to put out on to the internet.


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'It Isn't Going to be Awesome If She Gets Diabetes'

Michaels appeared on Buzzfeed's morning show, AMD to DM, on Wednesday sparking controversy when she made a comment questioning why people were first to celebrate Lizzo's body, and not her music, citing that her life and music wouldn't be that great if she developed obesity-related illnesses.

"Why are we celebrating her body" and not her music, adding how "it isn't gonna be awesome if she gets diabetes," Michaels said. Of course, countless people love Lizzo, not only for her music but also because of the body positivity that she brings to the table. For some, it's a very relatable experience and encouraging.

Michael's Respone to the Immediate Backlash on Social Media

After the initial backlash from Michael's comments on the Buzzfeed morning show, she felt compelled to release a formal statement on her Instagram page to clear up any confusion there might be about what her intentions were in making those comments.

"As I've stated repeatedly, we are all beautiful, worthy and equally deserving," she wrote. "I also feel strongly that we love ourselves enough to acknowledge there are serious health consequences that come with obesity — heart disease, diabetes, cancer to name only a few," she wrote. "I would never wish these for ANYONE and I would hope we prioritize our health because we LOVE ourselves and our bodies."

Michael's Statement Only Exacerbating the Situation

Her public statement only made matters worse for Michaels, though, as people all over social media condemned her for the fat-shaming she had done, knowing that she's a personal trainer and understands how mentally and emotionally damaging that type of language can be for someone.

"The problem here is that you commented on her body and worse, on television," one social media user responded. "If that isn't fat-shaming I don't know what is. You had no right to comment on someone else's body, no one does. As a 'professional' trainer you should know how damaging this is. Do better."

Another posted sharing the double standard when it comes to being healthy, "You do know that someone that's fat does not automatically mean they're unhealthy or obese," they shared. "Same way that someone that's skinny does not automatically mean they're healthy."

It's Lizzo's Concern, and Hers Only

Some people even went after Michaels personally, claiming she was simply trying to stay relevant in the headlines after her show, "The Biggest Loser," was canceled.

"She says 'i would never wish these on anyone' after predicting lizzo will become diabetic purely based on the way she looks," they responded. "i get that youve been chasing clout since the biggest loser got canceled but im sure there are better ways."

Whether or not Lizzo is healthy is only the concern of herself, family, and medical personnel. But either way, as long as she's happy and doing what she loves, that's all that matters.