JFK’s Grandson Jack Schlossberg Talks Climate Change and Why He's The Rock’s 'Greatest Fan'

The Kennedy family has a legendary passion for politics — and apparently that fervor extends to their pets.

Jack Schlossberg, former President John F. Kennedy‘s only grandson, spoke to PEOPLE Thursday at the New Frontier Awards at Harvard Law School, and revealed the surprising name he bestowed on his new pooch.

“Chester,” says Schlossberg when asked the puppy’s name, explaining that it’s because “he looks exactly like [former president] Chester A. Arthur.”

Schlossberg debuted the new pup on Instagram in July, joking in a shirtless shot that he’s “gonna name him Fuki or Nutroll or Rabbit or Maestro or Big Data or Richard or maybe Pickle or Angus. He’s my brother.”

Caroline Kennedy’s youngest child and only son presented U.S. Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) and May Boeve, executive director of 350.org — a leading campaign in the fight to address climate change — each with a New Frontier Award Thursday, presented annually to Americans under 40 years old who are making positive changes through public service.

And the 24-year-old Harvard Law School student reiterated the sibling claim on Thursday, calling him my “little puppy brother,” even if he can’t quite pinpoint the canine’s origins.

“He’s a mix of two different types of dogs, but I don’t remember the exact breed,” he admits.

Schlossberg also recently gained a human brother when sister Tatiana married George Moran in September.

“I love him,” Schlossberg gushes. “He’s my brother. I always wanted a brother.”

The handsome young law student also opens up about his favorite celebrity man-crush: The Rock.

“I am the Rock’s greatest fan,” he maintains, saying that when Johnson sent him a surprise birthday greeting via social media — a friend set it up — “it was the happiest I’ve probably ever been.” “He’s just like the funniest, best guy,” Schlossberg gushes. “And what I really love about him is that he is the hardest worker… I identify with that because I think hard work is very, very important, and so I just think he’s the man.”

Schlossberg also professes his admiration for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whom he says he hasn’t met, but for whom he has the utmost respect.

“He is an inspiring young leader and he just is very endearing,” he says. “I would refer you to my Instagram for my true thoughts.”

Is a bromance brewing? “I wouldn’t say that because we’ve never had any communication, but I would say I’m certainly a big fan.”

Schlossberg tells PEOPLE it’s more important than ever to “pay attention” and resist the urge to “be apathetic and throw your hands up.”

“That’s when you become part of the problem that you’re so frustrated with,” he says.

And while Schlossberg’s drive, determination, and call to public service often lead to comparisons to his grandfather, he says he is “trying to be my own person and do my own thing.” “We live in a really different time than he did, and I’m trying to figure out what I’m really interested in and what I want to do.”

And for now, his focus is on “passing exams and getting through law school in one piece. Beyond that, I haven’t been able to come up with any great ideas.”