Jerry Seinfeld encourages Wale to wait until he's 130 years old to have kids in exclusive 'The Album About Nothing' preview

Jerry Seinfeld and Wale discuss 'The Matrimony'

Next week sees the release of Wale’s excellent new album The Album About Nothing, which is a bigger, grander, more cinematic extension of his series of mixtape projects that incorporated dialogue and concepts taken from Seinfeld, Wale’s all-time favorite TV show.

This time around, he went right to the source for his material. Wale met Jerry Seinfeld following a stand-up show a few years back, and they’ve since struck up a friendship that led to a full collaboration on the new album. The songs on Nothing were built from conversations between the two, and Seinfeld shows up to provide insight during interludes and introductions. “Jerry is like the conscience of the album,” says Wale.

The pair kept the cameras rolling while they were in the studio together, and we’re pleased to bring you the premiere of this awesome little behind-the-scenes peek at what Seinfeld was like on the microphone. In the clip below, they discuss the universal uncertainty of love and marriage, a conversation that fed directly into Nothing‘s great single “The Matrimony.” “Ideally, if you could live to be 200, about 130 you’d be, ‘OK, I think I know enough now to do this,'” Seinfeld tells Wale. “But life is too short.” In the spirit of The Album About Nothing, it’s both funny and true.

Wale’s The Album About Nothing arrives March 31, and you can pre-order it here.