Jenny Lewis, Phoebe Bridgers address Ryan Adams misconduct in new statements

Jenny Lewis (Philip Cosores) and Phoebe Bridgers (Amanda Koellner)

Two of Ryan Adams’ former collaborators are speaking out in light of abuse allegations levied against the veteran singer-songwriter.

The allegations were first detailed in an exposé published by the New York Times last week. Amongst other things, Adams is accused of inappropriate interactions with an underage girl over the course of several years starting when she was 14. Additionally, several other women, including Adams’ ex-wife, Mandy Moore, as well as musicians Phoebe Bridgers and Courtney Jaye, went on record to accuse Adams of psychologically abusive behavior, harassment, and other misconduct — allegations which Adams has denied. Following the publication of the Times article, musicians Liz Phair and Karen Elson said they too experienced similarly inappropriate behavior from Adams.

One of Adams’ closest collaborators, Jenny Lewis, addressed the allegations in a statement posted to Twitter over the weekend. “I am deeply troubled by Ryan Adams’ alleged behavior,” Lewis wrote. “Although he and I had a working professional relationship, I stand in solidarity with the women who have come forward.” Adams produced Lewis’ 2014 album, The Voyager, and also contributed to her forthcoming LP, On the Line.

Meanwhile, Bridgers — who spoke to the New York Times about her negatives experiences working with Adams — also posted a lengthy statement to Instagram. “It’s been a weird week and I wanted to say a couple things,” Bridgers began. “Thank you from my whole fucking heart to my friends, my bands, my mom. They all supported and validated me. They told me that what had happened was fucked up and wrong, and that I was right to feel weird about it. I couldn’t have done this without them.”

“Ryan had a network too. Friends, bands, people he worked with. None of them held him accountable,” she continued. “They told him, by what they said or by what they didn’t, that what he was doing was okay. They validated him. He couldn’t have done this without them. Guys, if your friend is acting fucked up, call them out. If they’re actually your friend, they’ll listen. That’s the way this all gets better.”


In light of the allegations, the FBI’s Crimes Against Children Squad has opened an inquiry to determine whether Adams violated federal child exploitation laws. The musician has also lost several endorsement deals, and seen the release of his upcoming album, Big Colors, canceled.