Jennifer Lopez Releases Powerful Music Video Featuring Her Daughter Emme, 10

Mother-daughter moment of the year!

On Thursday, Jennifer Lopez released the music video for “Limitless,” a song featured in her upcoming film Second Act.

The video, which tells a story of triumph and determination, features Lopez’s daughter Emme, who plays a younger version of her famous mom.

Throughout the clip, Emme, 10, and Lopez, 49, can be seen climbing up a hill, refusing to give up on making it to the top.

Emme also performs some of Lopez’s famous dance moves, proving she’s quite the star in the making.

Once Emme makes it to the top of the hill, she catches a leaf, which shows her a reflection of the future version of herself— her mom.

In addition to the video’s powerful symbolism, it’s the first music video Lopez has ever directed.

“When I tell you, she was so amazing and I was so proud. I forgot that I was directing my first video, it was all about her. It was all about her,” Lopez said fighting back tears on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last week.

“And when you see the video, it’s so empowering for, just to see her doing this but, like, for women. It talks about being limitless, it talks about having second acts, it’s a beautiful message as well, and great to share with her, doing that. We really bonded,” Lopez added.

For Lopez, the video was made to help women express that, “I am worth something. I have value. I am equal. I am limitless.”

Jennifer Lopez and her daughter Emme
Jennifer Lopez and her daughter Emme

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The track is especially fitting for Second Act as Lopez plays Maya Vargas an assistant store manager who wants nothing more than to get a promotion for her 43 birthday.

When she loses the job to a college educated candidate, Vargas is determined to prove that streets smarts are just as valuable as book smarts.

That’s when her friend, played by Leah Remini, creates a fake resume for her that lands her a job as an executive at a company Manhattan. While it seems she wasn’t initially qualified, she ends up exactly where she belongs.

Second Act hit theatres everywhere on Dec. 21.