Jennifer Lawrence just wants a drink backstage at Golden Globes

Jennifer Lawrence backstage at the Golden Globes: 'I need to catch up on my drinking'

“You guys didn’t watch my speech did you?” Jennifer Lawrence cracked to a room of reporters backstage at the Golden Globes after winning the supporting actress prize for American Hustle.

We did watch her speech, which was just the latest example of the Hunger Games star’s charmingly awkward persona. But even when she’s feeling awkward, her career is anything but: This is her second year in a row winning a Golden Globe. So how will she celebrate?

“I need to catch up on my drinking,” she said. “I think that’s why I was so manic. Normally I have, like, a glass of wine. Um, that’s not a good answer…”

Taking home the first prize of the night was “really overwhelming” for Lawrence. “It’s kind of unbelievable, really, genuinely unbelievable. I can’t really process it. It’s such a huge honor. … You gotta interrupt me or I’ll just keep talking.”

A reporter did interrupt, asking why she chose American Hustle and the loopy role of Rosalyn, the complicated wife of Christian Bale’s Irving. “Before I even read the script, I knew I wanted to do it,” she said, noting that it gave her a chance to reunite with Silver Linings Playbook director David O. Russell. “Then I read the script, and I fell in love with Rosalyn. There was so much growth and so many ideas in there, and David and I were just on the phone constantly. She just kept evolving. She was just so exciting for me. She was just this character. I just loved her.”