Jennifer Esposito Details Terrifying Medical Ordeal That Landed Her in Psychiatric Care

Jennifer Eposito is opening up about the scariest, most helpless moment in her life.

In an exclusive sneak peek at Saturday's Oprah: Where Are They Now?, the actress details a horrifying incident when she tried to get assistance unidentifiable health problems – only to end up under psychiatric evaluation.

Esposito, now 43, was starring on the sitcom Samantha Who? from 2007–09 when one of her teeth inexplicably fell out.

" Melissa McCarthy says to me, 'Something is wrong, you are ill,' " she recalls.

Esposito says she told her costar: "I know. But what do you do when people aren't listening?"

She continues, "And I went back to the doctor and I said, 'Please, I need help. Please keep me here because I'm jumping out of my skin.' "

"I thought I was going to be checked in to the hospital, and they checked me in to the psych ward," adds the actress, who was eventually diagnosed with Celiac disease. "And I'm thinking, 'How did I get here? This is a problem with my system, this is not a problem with my brain.' I was almost dead – my hair was falling out, my eyelashes fell off, my fingernails were falling off. I was bad."

Oprah: Where Are They Now? airs Saturdays (10 p.m. ET) on OWN.