So, "Malignant" Is Finally Out And The Internet Is Losing Their Minds Over It

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Y'all — James Wan's latest horror movie, Malignant*, is finally out's bonkers. IDK how else to put that. It's just positively wild from beginning to end.

The film's story follows Madison (Annabelle Wallis), a woman with an unfortunate condition: She sees

And you already KNOW the internet had some hilarious reactions to the movie, so we took to the depths of Twitter and Tumblr to round up just a few of the very best for your viewing pleasure! Ready? Here we go:

Also, WARNING: There will be some SPOILERS ahead for Malignant, so please bookmark this and come back if you haven't seen it yet!

1.This varied review roundup:

2.This fair question:

3.This apt summation:

4.This scene(?):

5.This all-of-us reaction:

6.This ducking and dodging:

7.This non-spoiler list:

8.And also, this non-spoiler list:

9.This plot summary:

10.This shot that's definitely in the movie:

11.This pure flex:

12.This A+ metaphor:

13.This bass drop:

14.This food for thought:

15.This Aquaman comparison:

16.And finally, this simple statement:

There ya have it! What did you think of Malignant? Share all of your thoughts in the comments below! OH! And if you loved what you read, be sure to click through and follow your favorite creators on both Twitter and Tumblr to make your timelines more fun, nerdy places to be!