James Toback Denies Allegations of Sexual Harassment, Calls Anyone Who Accuses Him ‘A Lying C—ksucker or C—t or Both’

James Toback has vehemently denied the allegations of sexual harassment leveled against him in a Los Angeles Times article published last weekend. 38 women initially came forward with their stories; since the piece ran, that number has ballooned to more than 300 and includes Selma Blair, Rachel McAdams, and Julianne Moore, among many others.

Speaking to Rolling Stone about these allegations, the director says that anyone who suggests he has done what he’s accused of is “a lying cocksucker or cunt or both.”

Read More:James Toback Accused of Sexual Harassment By 200 More Women in Wake of LA Times Exposé

“Anyone who says that, I just want to spit in his or her fucking face,” he continues, before adding that, as he’s on the phone being interviewed, he’s with Sienna Miller, who stars in his new film “The Private Life of a Modern Woman,” and that “no one who’s ever worked with me would ever say anything like that. No one.”

Many of the stories follow a similar pattern: Toback would allegedly meet a woman on the street, say he was interested in offering her a part in one his films, and then take her to a private setting like a hotel room. Once there, several of his accusers say, he would attempt to initiate a sexual encounter.

Read More:Rachel McAdams and Selma Blair Reveal Their Own James Toback Sexual Harassment Stories

Toback goes on, calling this entire ordeal “too stupid to waste time on. It really is. It doesn’t have anything to do with my life in any way. It never has.” Read his full, expletive-laden denial here.

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