James Corden Surprises Strangers With Mystery Pizza Box Deliveries

On The Late Late Show, host James Corden drove shotgun with a pizza delivery guy while he made his rounds and offered the customers this choice: Take the pizza you ordered, or live dangerously and take the mystery box. The first stop of the night gifted a group of bros piping-hot pizza with a side of a super-awesome ballet performance. The guys cheered the ballet dancer while she twirled and leaped beautifully in their living room.

Corden then moved on to another apartment, where they presented the unsuspecting friends a pizza box — with $200 spread over it. The group cheered and ate their way through the money. Hopefully the cash was gluten-free. And for the last stop, Corden and his faithful delivery dude stopped at a house full of ladies, who opened the mystery box to find it filled with single dollar bills. Single. Dollar. Bills. SINGLE. DOLLAR. BILLS. You guessed it — not only did they get their pizza but Corden added a little extra sausage to their pie.

The Late Late Show With James Corden airs weeknights at 12:37 a.m. on CBS.

Watch the Game of Thrones characters argue about pizza:

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