James Corden Shoots Fruit at Victoria Beckham, Jessica Chastain, and Lisa Kudrow

Lisa Kudrow, Jessica Chastain, and Victoria Beckham stopped by The Late Late Show with James Corden and played the game Flinch. Flinch is a pretty simple game, contestants stand behind ballistic glass as fruit is fired at them and they try not to flinch. The trick to getting the best reaction is to catch the contestant off guard. The first person up was Victoria Beckham and she was pretty nervous. She said, "I am totally going to flinch, I'm scared of tomato." She not only flinched when the tomato was fired at her, she also gave viewers the best expression of the three guests. Jessica Chastain was second and she talked a pretty big game. But in the midst of saying "bring it" she was totally caught off guard when Corden fired an apple at her. Lisa Kudrow was the most reluctant of all the contestants and wouldn't even face the fruit canon. In fact after this visit, I'm not sure if she'll even visit The Late Late Show again.