Jackson Back As 'Idol' Judge?

For the first time in 11 years, it looked like American Idol was undergoing an entire judging panel revamp after Randy Jackson was rumored to be following Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler out the door (less voluntarily, but still). Sadly, it looks like we're stuck with another season in the Dawg Pound as a very good source has revealed Randy will be back.

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"Just heard randy is back on idol. Right decision," Simon Cowell Tweeted. This echoes previous reports that the producer would be returning ... much to my chagrin.

Randy, who has survived several revamps already, has never been my favorite judge since he seems incapable of doling out anything resembling a constructive critique. He's way more interested in spouting off catch-phrases and echoing what Simon had to say.

That's what has made his performance on the last two, Simon-free seasons, so much more painful. With no smarter person to emulate, he was left to his own devices and the blind hope audiences would be distracted by his growing collection of ornamental lapel pins.

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As of right now, Mariah Carey is the only judge having been confirmed by Fox, but rumor has it she'll be joined by Nicki Minaj, Keith Urban, Enrique Iglesias and/or Nick Jonas on the 12th season of American Idol, premiering January 2013.

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