Iwan Rheon Dissects Ramsay Bolton's Game of Thrones Fate

From Esquire

Warning: This post contains plot points from Sunday night's Battle of the Bastards "Game of Thrones" episode.

Sunday night we saw Ramsay Bolton, the most hated man on television, meet his end thanks to Sansa Stark and his own vicious pack of hounds. Iwan Rheon, the actor who plays Ramsay, broke down the episode to Esquire, explaining how they filmed that disturbing final scene, how he celebrated his last episode, and whether or not Ramsay could be brought back to life (hey, if it worked for Jon Snow...). It should be noted that while Iwan is as lovely to talk to as Ramsay is evil, the actor and the character share the same chill-inducing laugh.

Did you watch the episode last night? Were you rooting for Sansa like the rest of us?

Yeah! But it's on at like two in the morning here [in London], but I did watch it. I'm really enjoying the way that Sansa has developed, and I think Sophie [Turner] is doing a great job. I'm really pleased that all the terrible things that have happened to her have manifested in this great strength inside her, and she's really come of age and become a woman. She's another strong female character for the show. It's brilliant.

How did you find out Ramsay was going to die? Were you happy about his sendoff or were you sad to see him go?

I found about this time last year when the scripts were being issued, and I got the phone call from David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss]. I'm pretty sure they said something like, "So, Ramsay gets on the Iron Throne! You've made it!" And I was like, "Oh, he's dead."

I'm sad to leave the show, personally, because it's so great to be a part of something so wonderful. I think Ramsay's arc has run its course, really. What else is he going to do now that would topped what he's already done? Also, in terms of storyline, I think it's great that the Starks are back in Winterfell and some order has been restored and good has come back to the North. Because I think Ramsay only brought terror. It's nice and, as a fan of the show, it's good for the show.

Some are saying it was too predictable to have the bad guy die last night. What do you think about that? Do you think Ramsay will have the same fate in the books?

It's easy for people to say it's predictable coming from one of the most unpredictable shows in history that killed its protagonist in Season One! You couldn't have Ramsay winning because you can't kill Jon Snow again. I think it's right, and I think it would have been more predictable for Ramsay to win, if anything. It'll be interesting to see what happens to him in the books.

What was your last day of filming like? Did they have a going away party or anything?

No, not really! My last scene was the last scene I shot. It was all quite unceremonious. Me and Sophie went and had a drink and chilled out, and then, yeah, that was it really. I prefer it that way-you don't want too much fuss. It's just Ramsay's dead, that's it.

How did you film that final scene? Were those real dogs or were they CGI?

It's a combination. They use plates so it looks like the dog is there, but the dog isn't actually there. Those dogs are bred in a specific way and trained in a specific way… They're not like normal dogs that you can tell to sit and stuff. They only listen to their owner, and they're kind of like guard dogs. It's not really safe to have them anywhere near an actor. They're quite vicious.

I read that Kit Harington accidently punched you in the face twice while filming the fight scene.

He may have chinned me with his shield, as well! The way I see it, in those kind of scenes, Kit's got to give it his all, and I want him to give it his all because it will make it look much better. And if you don't get caught a couple of times, you're not doing it properly, in my opinion. It's just part of it to make it look real.

Any bruises to show for it?

I've got a bit of a dodgy jaw because of the shield, but, to be honest, Kit's punches aren't very hard. [Laughs]

It looks like you have so much fun playing such an evil character–and that's what made Ramsay so disturbing. Did you have fun with the role?

Yeah, you kind of have to. I think that's the key to him-the joy he gets from doing all these things. Ramsay's got a joyful life. He enjoys what he's doing in his own dark, twisted way. So, you kind of have to bring a bit of fun into him. I think that's what made him come to life, because he could have been just a horrible, evil character, but I think adding that joy to him made him a lot more interesting.

Next you're playing a young Adolf Hitler, right? What drew you to that role?

You don't say no to that kind of role! It's like, "Would you like to play a young Adolf Hitler?" "Yes!" It's set before we know Hitler: It's him as a struggling artist in Vienna. So, it was more like approaching a character than it was thinking about, "This is Adolf Hitler I'm playing." So, I kind of ignored it. It's based on a book by Hitler's only childhood friend, so it's a really fascinating story. It's kind of a comedy, as well.

Any fears about being typecast?

What would make you say that? [Laughs] I do, yes. It's one of my main concerns, yes. Especially off of the back of Ramsay. So, I maybe need to play some nice parts next.

Is it ever hard for fans to separate you from Ramsay Bolton? Any interesting fan interactions?

Not really! People generally get it when you meet them on the street. I think the thing about Game of Thrones, because it's so heightened, it's quite easy when you see people on the streets to realize it's obviously not the character. We don't have a sword and all that gear. I think people kind of get it.

Is there any hope of a Ramsay resurrection à la Jon Snow? Any chance he got attacked by the dogs but somehow survived?

I think it's highly unlikely. But never say never with this show! I'm pretty sure that Ramsay is done, but you never know.