Ivanka Trump’s Plea to ‘Daddy’ Makes Twitter Cringe

Ivanka Trump’s Plea to ‘Daddy’ Makes Twitter Cringe

In a speech in North Dakota Wednesday, Donald Trump found a creepy new way for a father to talk about his 35-year-old daughter, telling an audience that she childishly pleaded with him to come along on the trip while calling him “Daddy.”

“Come on, honey, should I bring Ivanka up?” Trump asked the crowd, who cheered at the First Daughter’s name (the audience must not have read the op-ed in The New York Times Wednesday morning calling his daughter “more a logo than a person“).

“Sometimes they’ll say, you know he can’t be that bad a guy, look at Ivanka,” Trump told the crowd. “Come on up, honey. She’s so good, she wanted to make the trip. She said ‘Dad, can I go with you?’ She said actually, ‘Daddy, can I go with you?’ I like that, right?”

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Trump was visiting the Peace Garden State as part of his push to get tax reform through Congress.

Ivanka addressed the crowd as well, gliding past the “daddy” comment. “Hi, North Dakota, we love this state so it’s always a pleasure to be back here,” she said. “You treated us very very well in November and have continued to, so we like showing the love back.”

Trump’s pride in his daughter–especially in her looks–has long been a topic of conversation in the media. He famously said on “The View” in 2006 that “if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps, I would be dating her.”

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Folks online were quick to voice their discomfort with Wednesday’s “daddy” comment, and Twitter collectively shivered at the cringe-inducing comment. The general consensus: a grown woman calling her father “Daddy” is strange enough; the fact that he “likes it” is too gross.

Several reacted with GIFs of people making grossed-out faces. One user even tweeted a GIF of someone throwing up. See below:

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