Ireland Baldwin Shares Mental and Physical Pregnancy Struggles in Candid Message

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Ireland Baldwin is giving her fans an honest update about her road to motherhood.

The 27-year-old—who announced on New Year's Eve that she and her boyfriend André Allen Anjos are expecting their first child together—detailed the challenges she's faced in her pregnancy so far.

"I'm sharing my most inner feelings with the hope that someone will read this and feel less alone," she wrote on Jan. 18 in an Instagram post. "Pregnancy is hard...It takes so much out of you. I wasn't ready for that."

She continued, "I underestimated just how hard pregnancy would be on my mind and my body."

Ireland explained that she "deals with extreme health anxiety on a daily basis" and the pregnancy has added fuel to the fire.

"I've struggled to adapt to these changes," she shared. "Bodily sensations. Pains and aches. Organs going to s--t randomly. I know everyone has a different experience, and mine is easy compared to most, but f--k it's a struggle."

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Aside from the physical aspect of pregnancy, the eldest daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger said it's also taken a toll on her mental health.

"My brain and thoughts are going to war every single day," she admitted. "Mental warfare."

Ireland Baldwin
Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images

Not having support from her loved ones has also proved to be challenging.

"It's hard not being really close to family to begin with because they live far or are idiots that I want nothing to do with," she explained. "It's hard seeing other people go through this and have their parents close by."

She continued, "It's even harder watching some of your friends fade away or not know how to relate to you anymore. Especially when you were nothing to them but a drinking buddy and a good time."

However, the model sang André's praises for being by her side through it all: "He's everything to me."

Ireland Baldwin, RAC, Instagram
Instagram / RAC

And despite the challenges of her pregnancy and the feelings that have come out of it, Ireland made it clear that "none of this reflects on how excited I am to be her mom."

"My career isn't going anywhere and if it is, f--k it," she expressed. "The friends that mattered most will be there and you'll have more room for new friendships. All of this is still worth it but it's ok to admit how hard and scary it all can be."

She concluded, "You are not alone."

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