An Interview with AJR

We miss the former president and his wingman so much. Back in 2014, Obama and Biden launched the It's On Us summit - a campaign to raise awareness to help put an end to sexual assault on college campuses. A lot of musicians and celebrities are contributing to the movement, and New York-based trio, AJR, is one of them. Apparently, Obama is a big fan of AJR and was listening to one of their songs on Spotify recently - they even performed at the White House a few months back to support the campaign. The indie-pop trio was asked to make a theme song for the campaign, called "It's On Us," of course, and will be released in April. Although Obama and Biden aren't in office anymore, they chose to continue the campaign. The It's On Us summit's website says, "Studies estimate that one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college....The culture of violence and silence at our college campuses contradicts everything we stand for as a country." Last year, Lady Gaga joined Joe Biden in Las Vegas to speak at a UNLV rally about sexual violence. Jon Hamm, Kerry Washington, Common, Josh Hutcherson, Zoe Saldana and Nina Dobrev are amongst some of the other celebrities that have been involved in the campaign.