
Ice Cube: "I wouldn’t be here at this level without John Singleton"

WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE as ICE CUBE reminisces about the monumental impact JOHN SINGLETON had on the entertainment industry and his life.

Straight from the Las Vegas BIG 3 Draft Wednesday evening, entertainment legend Ice Cube sits down with Yahoo Sports Chris Haynes and thought back on where his life would be without John Singleton. From his inclusion in the 1991 Singleton classic; Boyz N the Hood, to sparking an interest in screen writing, John Singleton helped elevate Ice Cube to where he is today.

“I wouldn’t be here, at this level without John Singleton”

Focusing on the monumental impact John has had on the industry, Ice highlights the butterfly effect John had when writing Boyz N’ the Hood. Apart from just launching Ice Cube’s acting career, it opened up doors for every individual that Ice has ever been able to help as a result.

“I just think about all the careers that he touched, all the people that he believed in.”

Ultimately that is what Ice Cube loved most about John. Not only did he work with the best, he also reached back and worked with talent whose potential could otherwise go undiscovered.

From Laurence Fishburne to Tyrese Gibson, John was a visionary who was able to bring the best out of everyone he met. Which made it all the more clear to Ice that John wasn’t simply a titan in his field, but a true titan of life. Whenever he needed someone to talk, read his scripts, or simply be there for him, John Singleton was always available. That is why the impact of losing John will resonate for years to come.

“People will not really be able to fathom what we just lost in losing John.”