iCarly Season 3 Finale Ends With a Pair of Cliffhangers That Absolutely Must Be Resolved — Grade It!

If Paramount+ doesn’t renew iCarly for a fourth season, Thursday’s finale will go down as one of the most frustrating cliffhangers in recent memory.

Carly spent half of the episode bending over backwards to make sure Mrs. Benson’s wedding to Lewbert went off without a hitch, and the other half spiraling at the thought of Freddie wanting to propose. Spencer serving as the couple’s only line of communication certainly didn’t making things any easier. Funnier, yes, but definitely not easier.

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In the end, Carly realized that her two problems had an obvious connection — the concept of marriage freaks her out because she’s afraid of turning into her own mother and abandoning her family someday. In a rare moment of maturity, Spencer assured her that she’s nothing like their no-good ghost of a mom, thus alleviating her fears about spending her life with Freddie.

(Side note: Can we, just for a moment, acknowledge that Carly and Freddie have only been dating for seven episodes? Sure, they’ve known each other since they were children, but they’re adults now. He has an ex-wife and a daughter. If this was real life, every single one of their friends — the ones who care, anyway — would encourage them to slow things down. But it’s not real life, it’s TV, so feel free to ignore everything we just said.)

Then came the pair of gasp-worthy twists over which we will riot in the streets if Paramount+ doesn’t allow this show to continue. First, upon discovering that Mrs. Benson and Lewbert decided to elope in Las Vegas after all, Carly and Freddie took advantage of the situation and agreed to make it their wedding day. Gasp!

But before they could swap vows, an uninvited (but extremely forecasted) guest crashed the ceremony — Carly and Spencer’s mother. Double gasp!

At this point, your brain is probably racing with questions: Will Carly and Freddie still follow through with their wedding, despite this little interruption? Which esteemed sitcom actress will play the elusive Mama Shay? And most importantly, as it could render all of this utterly pointless, will Paramount+ do the right thing and renew this show for Season 4?

Grade the finale and the season overall in our polls below, then drop a comment with your thoughts on that one-two punch of an ending, including your dream casting suggestions for Carly and Spencer’s mom.

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