Husband Uses Chainsaw to Free Pregnant Wife From Home as She Goes Into Labor with Twins During Hurricane Irma

A Georgia woman went into labor while trapped inside her home on Tuesday.

on Monday, but a tree crashed down onto her home blocking her and her husband in.

Heather and Mehrvarz Yavaliollah’s home was severely damaged after a tree toppled down onto their property during Hurricane Irma on Monday but they decided to wait for the storm to pass before cleaning up, according to FOX 5 News.

However, the couple’s unborn twins had other plans, as on Tuesday Heather’s water broke — a month early!

“Everything looked fine and we were not expecting anything to happen and then Irma came along and changed all of that,” Heather told FOX 5 News.

Her husband, with whom she shares a daughter, ran to their shed to retrieve a chainsaw.

“My wonderful neighbors saw me outside, they kind of knew the situation so they started grabbing limbs as I was cutting them off and helped move them to the street,” Mehrvarz said. “[I’m] so very thankful to them.”

Despite the harrowing experience, Heather and her family made it to Piedmont Hospital, where she gave birth to healthy twin boys, Stuart and Solomon, FOX 5 News reported.

“Sweet little angels,” she said of her new additions. “So Irma was no indication of their behavior.”