16 Tweets, Jokes, And Memes About The Absolutely Absurd Ride That Is "House Of Gucci"

Y'all — House of Gucci was finally released this past week, and it officially had the highest-grossing opening weekend of any drama released during the COVID era*.

United Artists Releasing

*Specifically, the past two years.

Anyway, you already KNOW fans had all kinds of hilarious reactions to the bonkers film, so we took to the depths of Twitter and Tumblr to round up just a few of the very best for your viewing pleasure! Ready? Here we go:

1.This very real report:

2.This perfect parallel:

3.This screenshot that's definitely from the movie:

4.Oh, and this one too:

5.And can't forget this one:

6.This message from the "real" dialect coach:

7.This shift in focus:

8.This dramatic bathroom trip:

9.This A+ review:

10.This punny photoshop:

11.This non-spoiler spoiler:

12.Oh, and this one too:

13.This simple request:

14.This important "For Your Consideration" campaign:

15.This one too:

16.And finally, this very scientific chart:

So, we've got to know — what did you think of House of Gucci? Share all your thoughts in the comments below! OH! And if you loved what you read, be sure to click through and follow your favorite creators on both Twitter and Tumblr to make your timelines more fun, nerdy places to be!