'House of Cards' Season 3, Episode 9 Recap: The Ghost of Peter Russo

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

The Underwood campaign is in full swing in Iowa, but all is not what it seems. As Frank repeats his unbelievable "you're entitled to nothing" spiel, Claire slips him a note. "Eight Russians killed in the Jordan Valley," it reads. Soon they're on Air Force One, headed back to D.C.

On the plane, Frank catches bulldog reporter Kate Baldwin making sexy eyes at Tom. Too bad Kate's got a hunch that Harlan Traub, chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party, is on the plane, which is a Federal Elections Commission no-no. She starts asking questions and Frank's antennae are up.

Moments later, Frank gets a call from Petrov, who blames the president for putting Russians in harm's way. The two spar and Petrov abruptly hangs up. At the White House, Seth lays out the stakes, telling a flack how quickly things could escalate. This could be the start of the next World War! Still, this being publicity and all, he instructs the flack to "flip it around and put a happy face on it."

Remy catches up with Jackie before an emergency session with foreign affairs. "These make me uncomfortable," she says, looking over his talking points. "If you don't want to support the president, you shouldn't want to be his Number 2," he snaps. Of course, he quickly apologizes and gets all dopey when she says her husband's been a big help.

Later on, after dealing with Harlan, who ever-so-rudely calls him a chauffeur, Remy gets pulled over by the cops and winds up in the back of a squad car. After the police realize who is he is and let him go, he shows up in the lobby of Jackie's apartment and—spoiler alert—kisses her. Jackie seems receptive to him, but, as always, holds back. Perhaps it's because she's married now, with kids?

In the meantime, Claire heads to the U.N. to find out what happened in the Jordan Valley. The Russians aren't letting anyone near the site of the attack, raising questions about their involvement. In the only room that's not bugged, the Russian ambassador tells her in so many words Petrov's behind it: He sabotaged his own troops so he could have an excuse to pull out of the peacekeeping deal. Claire presses him to go public; he won't because he has family.

Claire rushes back to Washington to relay her intel to Frank and his military commanders. They're dubious and think it's a trap, but Frank overrules them. He orders an American covert mission to investigate what happened. From the situation room, everyone listens as it all falls apart. An American soldier is killed and tensions between the Underwoods escalate.

Petrov calls to tell Frank he is tired of being humiliated. Frank says he knows that he killed his own men. Petrov denies, but it's all the same: Frank can't seem to keep up with this guy, and Petrov's getting ahead.

Back at the diner, Gavin meets Doug to share some big news. He's found a location for Rachel—and she's dead. He produces some graphic photos of a bloodied woman in a ditch outside Tuscon. Doug gets tanked at a bar, nearly landing himself back in the hospital. Once home, he pours his drink on his laptop, because why not. Then for the next few minutes, we're treated to a showing of "your Apple warranty will not cover this," courtesy of Doug Stamper, who has just smashed his laptop and multiple cell phones in the kitchen sink.

Still hammered, Doug reaches Seth and tells him his mother died, which is Underwood code for "we need to talk." Knowing Doug's mother died ten years ago—he was at the funeral, we're told—Frank has him come by. In the Oval Office, Doug confesses to working for Dunbar. He also hands Frank the manilla folder with Rachel's photos. Looking over them, Frank asks if Doug's certain it's her. Doug says he isn't (and neither are we).

On the couch, Frank tells Doug that they'll figure something out. And then it gets eerie: Doug says he's not Peter Russo and that he "won't go like he did." Ever the schemer, Frank consoles him, "No, you won't. You're going to get better, Doug. I promise you that." But who would believe him? When Doug rests his head on Frank's knee, still sobbing, he can't help but look repulsed. And we can't help but think of Russo.

Read our episode 8 recap here.

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