House Calls FCC Oversight Hearing

 FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel speaks before a House oversight hearing in 2022.
FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel speaks before a House oversight hearing in 2022.
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Republican leaders of the House Energy & Commerce Committee have scheduled an FCC oversight hearing for next week (June 21) and said chair Jessica Rosenworcel and the other three commissioners are expected to testify.

The panel has primary oversight of the Federal Communications Commission, with the House Judiciary Committee weighing in on merger and antitrust issues.

The committee “has a responsibility to the American people to ensure the agency is being responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars and faithfully following Congressional intent,” committee chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.) and Communications and Technology Subcommittee chair Bob Latta (R-Ohio) said.

Look for Republicans to focus some of their questioning on the “waste, fraud and abuse” they are always looking out for, given the billions of dollars in broadband subsidy money the Biden administration is giving out through various programs, as well as the FCC’s historic role in overseeing billions of dollars in Universal Service Fund advanced communications subsidies.

If past is prologue, Democrats are likely to point to the current political tie on the commission (2-2), ask how well the FCC is functioning without the Democratic majority that should have followed the 2020 presidential election and urge swift confirmation of nominee Anna Gomez to fill that vacant third Democratic seat.

Other issues expected to get bipartisan questioning are: (1) broadband mapping — the FCC has recently released its latest iteration of what it says is more accurate mapping of where high-speed broadband is and isn't; (2) robocalls; (3) emergency information; and (4) whether Big Tech edge providers should contribute to the Universal Service Fund broadband subsidies, given that broadband access is central to their business model.