Hot Stuff: April romance novels offer a wide range of adventures, including choose-your-own

Anyone who’s ever seen Bambi knows that spring is a keen time for romance — a season when couples pair off in Twitter-pated affection. April romance novels brought a heap of this sense of the freshness of spring, with the blush of first love in both historical (Marry in Scandal) and contemporary (Now a Major Motion Picture) stories alike. What’s more, several books broke new ground in the genre, from choose-your-own-adventure titles to a Regency-era romance with a gender-queer heroine. Read on for more on EW’s take on five April romance releases.

Marry in Scandal
By Anne Gracie
Review: With the second entry in her “A Marriage of Convenience” Series, Anne Gracie delivers a charming, entirely enchanting yarn. Lady Lily Rutherford is a kindly young woman who dreams of marrying for love, while carrying one major secret – she can’t read. When she is abducted and faces imminent scandal, the dashing Edward Galbraith agrees to a marriage of convenience to save her reputation. Galbraith may be the one who comes to Lily’s rescue in multiple ways, but she is the one who truly saves him – helping him recover from the guilt and trauma of the Napoleonic wars. Gracie crafts a witty and engaging Regency tale, with addictive passages of adventure paired with heartwarming romantic interludes. Lily is irresistibly sweet as a heroine, while still possessing a hearty amount of gumption and self-possession. Galbraith feels a bit more removed and unknowable than our heroine – this not only feeds the intrigue between him and Lily, but makes him more mysterious and romantic overall. While some romance novels smolder, this is a tale of a different nature – a confection that brims with kindness and heartfelt sincerity, which will fill you with a warm, fuzzy feeling all the way to the final page. If you need a happily-ever-after that’s sweet instead of sexy, you can’t do much better than Anne Gracie who offers her share of daring escapes, stolen kisses, and heartfelt romance in a tale that carries the effervescent charm of the best Disney fairy-tales.
Heat Rating: ]]>🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥