Hollywood Tweets on the Obama Win, Sexy Voting - and Karl Rove

As the nation elected Barack Obama to a second term on Tuesday by an unexpectedly comfortable margin, celebrities such as Rainn Wilson, Sarah Silverman and RuPaul took to Twitter to congratulate the incumbent, castigate Karl Rove and commemorate a day of voting.

The election campaign broke all sorts of records for Twitter, culminating in more than 31 million election-related tweets on Tuesday alone.

Here's how actors, comedians, moguls and Donald Trump's toupee felt about voting, rape and the return of Barack Hussein Obama to the White House.


Did you see celebrities at your voting booth? Me neither, but Twitter says they were there. Most of them seemed to enjoy the process -- often for perverse reasons.

Rainn Wilson -- Voters in Virginia & Florida. STAY IN LINE if you like the buttocks of the person in front of you.

Aziz Ansari -- Shoutout to people standing in line to vote! Stay strong. Play "Guap" or "Slight Work (Remix)" on your phone & go ham to pass the time

Ashley Judd -- Know someone that's not voting? Go sit in front of them and stare uncomforably until they get to the polls.

Michael Ian Black -- VOTER FRAUD ALERT: my voting machine turned my vote for President Obama into a large Slushee and a bag of pizza Combos.

Steve Martin -- After more fact checking, it turns out that voting is not a right, but a consolation prize for not getting to be dictator.

RuPaul -- I felt so sexy & powerful at the voting booth today


Donald J. Trump -- The voting booth process was a total disaster—it could and should be much better and more efficient—tremendous room for error!

Sarah ‏Silverman -- Hard to convince people that every vote matters when they're still counting ballots in Florida after Obama gave his victory speech.

Zooey Deschanel -- They should probably set up the poll locations in front of amusement parks so at least you can go on a ride after you wait in line.


Hollywood was particularly attuned to television coverage of the election, and while Rainn Wilson was glued to CNN, everyone else was tickled by Fox's coverage – for better and for worse.

Rashida Jones -- Fox News' "fair and balanced" reporting tonight gives new meaning to sore losers. They are almost incapacitated by how bummed they are.

Questlove -- man...ive had fox on for like an hour. they really believe the stuff they saying? man...they are depressing.

Michael Ian Black -- Please turn on Fox News. They are explaining math to Karl Rove.

Patricia Heaton- Karl Rove is the last man standing!

Aziz Ansari -- Karl Rove bout to give a Suge Knight style BEAT DOWN to the dude who was supposed to rig the machines.

Bill Maher-- Karl Rove in a huge public spat right now with math. I know its comfy in the bunker, but at some point you have to come up for cyanide pills

Sarah Silverman -- Why is a delusional talking potato on Fox News? Oh, it's just Karl Rove.

Rainn Wilson -- How did no one think to cast James Carville as Gollum!?

In my election coverage Wolf Blitzer is not wearing any pants.

Silverman -- instead of having anxiety over Florida I've chosen to giggle every time someone on CNN touches its tip to enlarge it

Albert Brooks -- CBS just called Florida for Bush.


Donald Trump spent most of the election trying to remain relevant, raising questions about Obama's birth certificate and berating anyone who dared question his authority. On election night, he transformed his bravado into doomsaying, but by morning he was back to his old tricks -- ad hominem attacks on Brian Williams.

Donald J. Trump (at night) -- We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!

Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.

This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!

Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble...like never before.

House of Representatives shouldn't give anything to Obama unless he terminates Obamacare.

Donald J. Trump (this morning) -- @bwilliams knows that I think his newscast has become totally boring so he took a shot at me last night.

The only thing more boring than @bwilliams newscast is his show Rock Center which is totally dying in the ratings—a disaster!

Brian--Thanks dummy--I picked up 70,000 twitter followers yesterday alone. Cable News just passed you in the ratings.@NBCNightlyNews

Brian Williams was never a smart guy but always passes himself off as such. People will learn the truth! @NBCNightlyNews


If there was one subject that haunted the Republican party throughout the election, it was rape.

Alec Baldwin -- You know your party's in trouble when you read this: A: The rape guy lost. B: Which one?

Albert Brooks-- The two rape guys lost.

Questlove -- Joe Donnelly has beat Richard "Pregnancy From Rape Is God Intended" Mourdock. guess he goin back to Indiana.#allOeverything!!!!!

Olivia Wilde -- AMERICA! You have spoken! Women! You have been heard! Young people! You proved them wrong! Tireless Obama volunteers! I THANK YOU!


Most everyone had nice things to say about Mitt Romney, who failed in his bid to unseat Obama. Except Trump.

Rashida Jones -- Classy, gracious speech by Romney. Nicely done. Let's work together y'all. Don't forget we are all still American!

Bill Maher-- Pretty classy speech, Mitt. Loved the line goading the "job creators" to get off their selfish hoarding asses and create some jobs.

Donald J. Trump -- This was the Republicans election to win. @MittRomney is a good man but he just never connected with the people.


What song would you dance to if you were named President? Here are some suggestions.

Questlove -- love how my people will twist song meanings (Sign Sealed is now political) Before I Let Go is a love song to be played at weddings lol

Rashida Jones -- If the election was decided on close up shots of people at campaign HQs, it would be a landslide. Dems are killing it with the dance moves.

Andy Cohen -- I would be quite psyched if Madonna came out and sang#LikeAPrayer before Obama comes out. Maybe!?!?

Aziz Ansari -- Predicting that President Obama walk out to Future's "You Deserve It" to make his victory speech.

HE WON! HE WON?! Responses to Obama's victory ranged from ecstatic to despondent. Here's the fun stuff.

Steve Martin-- To commemorate Obama's victory, I'm having a tea party.

Victoria Jackson -- The Democrat Party voted God out and replaced Him with Romans 1. In the Good vs. Evil battle...today...Evil won.

I can't stop crying. America died.

RuPaul -- Thank U @BarackObama 4 bringing humanity consciousness & intellect back 2 the White House. I've never been more proud 2 B an American

Patricia Heaton-- Bracing for 4 more yrs of high taxes, high unemployment, high debt.

Ted Nugent --Pimps whores & welfare brats & their soulless supporters hav a president to destroy America

James L. Brooks -- Spent morning pondering why old great Obama suddenly showed up 2 accept the presidency won by Obama light. Hope former guy hangs around.

Michael Ian Black-- So happy right now. Congratulations @barackobama. Whenever you want, I will make out with you at a seriously discounted rate.

Olivia Wilde -- Real talk: this country is amazing. We take for granted a peaceful transfer of power. No tanks in the streets (unless Trump is driving).

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