Hollywood, Tech Leaders Denounce Trump’s Plan to Scrap DACA: ‘Heartless Prick’

Hollywood, Tech Leaders Denounce Trump’s Plan to Scrap DACA: ‘Heartless Prick’

Hollywood and tech leaders have begun mobilizing following reports that President Donald Trump is expected to announce on Tuesday that he will end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, with a six-month delay.

Actor George Takei called the move “cruel, divisive and politically motivated,” while director Rob Reiner concluded: “Unfortunately there is no other way to say this: Donald J. Trump is a heartless prick.”

Major tech leaders, including Apple CEO Tim Cook and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also decried the move and urged Congress to pass legislation for protection of hundreds of thousands of immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children with parents who entered the country illegally or stayed without proper documentation.

Also Read: Trump Plans to Kill DACA Program Protecting Immigrant 'Dreamers' in 6 Months

Implemented by the Obama Administration in 2012, DACA allows those young immigrants to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and become eligible to receive a work permit.

If Trump follows through with his plans, current DACA recipients will be at risk of deportation.

Hollywood stars, politicians and business leaders reacted to the report with strong disapproval, condemning Trump for planning to lift the program and urging the Republican-controlled Congress to come up with a replacement.

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