Hollywood Praises Stacey Abrams for Leadership in Flipping Georgia Senate Seats

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All eyes were on Georgia Tuesday night as votes were being tallied in the runoff election to determine whether Democrats or Republicans would control the Senate. Hollywood players mainly backed Democratic nominee Raphael Warnock, who beat incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler, and Democrat Jon Ossoff, who has a razor-thin lead over Republican David Perdue, but one hero emerged from the political theater: Stacey Abrams.

Many Hollywood stars, journalists and politicians praised Abrams for her organizing work in getting out the vote for the runoff election and building a Democratic infrastructure in her state, which has leaned Republican in the last several elections. Abrams has spent the last decade working to flip Georgia via her New Georgia Project and Fair Fight, a voting rights organization she founded after losing her bid for governor in 2018. It is highly expected that she runs for the office again in 2022, after serving as the minority leader in Georgia’s House of Representatives and becoming the first Black female candidate from a major party to run for governor.

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“When the time comes I want Stacey Abrams to run my Golden Globes nomination campaign,” joked Prentice Penny, the showrunner of HBO’s “Insecure.”

“What Stacey Abrams has done in inestimable and patriotic and heroic!” wrote Michael Keaton.