Hollyoaks spoilers: Mercedes McQueen makes a DRAMATIC RETURN!

 Mercedes is back in Hollyoaks .
Mercedes is back in Hollyoaks .

Mercedes McQueen (Jennifer Metcalfe) makes an explosive comeback in tonight's Hollyoaks at 7pm (see our TV Guide for full listings), and Warren Fox (Jamie Lomas) discovers she might be carrying his baby!

It's the morning after Nana (Diane Langton) suffered a funny turn in the McQueen's back garden, and Warren is horrified to discover the OAP slumped on a bench. Thankfully she's alive, but only just.

Warren calls for help and Nana's rushed to hospital, where her family faces an anxious wait to see if she'll pull through.

Tensions rise between the McQueens as they try to make sense of why Nana was left out in the cold all night and in the middle of all the drama in walks in Mercedes...


Mercedes rushes back to see Nana
Mercedes rushes back to see Nana

Mercy's got a lot of explaining to do after putting her family through the anguish of not knowing where she was.

Understandably, they're all annoyed, but as tempers continue to flare, Sally St Clare (Annie Wallace) suggests it might be best that Mercedes gives them some space.

Outside the hospital, Felix Westwood (Richard Blackwood) confronts his fiancée - will she come clean about her reasons for going AWOL?

Afterwards, Mercedes returns to Nana's bedside and admits she's pregnant. But unbeknownst to her, Warren is standing by the door and has heard every word.

What will he do?

Felix confronts Mercedes
Felix confronts Mercedes

Meanwhile, Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson) is frantic with worry over son Lucas's (Oscar Curtis) whereabouts.

The teen's family have been searching all night after discovering he'd done a runner - escaping through his bedroom window.

James Nightingale (Gregory Finnegan) blames himself for Lucas's disappearance - knowing that his harsh punishment is the reason his stepson did a runner.

The lawyer is determined to make things right and bring Lucas home, but furious Ste declares he doesn't want him anywhere near his son!

James admits the truth to Ste
James admits the truth to Ste

Elsewhere, Darren Osborne (Ashley Taylor Dawson) and Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard) are hanging after their boozy night out.

The dads start experiencing flashbacks to what went on and are shocked to realise they put themselves forward for the Dee Valley's Talent Competition.

But with a tantalising £1k on offer for the winner, Darren is convinced this might be the answer to his money woes and asks Tone if he'll take part with him.

Tony came to Darren's aid
Tony came to Darren's aid

Darren was forced to accept financial help from the kind locals to pay off his loan owed to Norma Crow (Glynnis Barber), after the nightclub owner threatened to take his house.

Tony's reluctant to make exhibition of himself in the talent contest, so Dave Chen-Williams (Dominic Power) offers to take his place instead.

Later, Darren reveals his wife Nancy Hayton (Jessica Fox) is returning from America in a few weeks and he wants to repay his debt to the village in time for her homecoming.

Hollyoaks airs Monday - Friday on E4 at 7pm