Hollyoaks spoilers: Donna-Marie Quinn is back in hospital!

 Donna-Marie Quinn is back in hospital following another relapse and fire drama.
Donna-Marie Quinn is back in hospital following another relapse and fire drama.

Donna-Marie Quinn (Lucy-Jo Hudson) ends up being rushed to hospital again in tonight’s Hollyoaks on at 6.30pm (See our TV Guide for full listings).

The drama unfolds when the Lomax’s house catches fire. Aspiring firefighter, Joel Dexter (Rory Douglas-Speed) spots the blaze and immediately calls for help.

Joel manages to carry Donna-Marie to safety and his firefighter girlfriend, Leela Lomax (Kirsty-Leigh Porter) is very impressed with his rescue mission efforts.

Romeo visiting Donna-Marie in hospital.
Romeo visiting Donna-Marie in hospital.

Donna-Marie is taken to hospital where she is treated for smoke inhalation.

Was drug-addict Donna-Marie responsible for causing the blaze after suffering another relapse?

Her son Romeo Nightingale, (Owen Warner), is heartbroken when he turns up at the hospital and sees what state his mum is in.

Donna-Marie, who was recently left broken after the death of her daughter, Juliet Nightingale (Niamh Blackshaw) tries to explain why she’s relapsed again but Romeo has heard it all before.

Donna-Marie is in a bad way and Romeo feels helpless.
Donna-Marie is in a bad way and Romeo feels helpless.

Meanwhile Joel has had enough of destructive Donna-Marie and tells Leela she must decide, it’s either him or Donna-Marie, she can’t have both of them in her life.

Who will Leela choose?

Elsewhere, Maxine Minniver (Nikki Sanderson) gets an appointment from aesthetics to see how her scar can be treated.

However, Scott Drinkwell (Ross Adams) and Maxine clash as he fails to understand why Maxine has become so obsessed with it.

Maxine cowering as she hides from Eric Foster.
Maxine cowering as she hides from Eric Foster.

Beau Ramsey (Jon-Paul Bell) also can’t break through to Maxine and decides to approach Warren Fox (Jamie Lomas) for some advice on how best to handle the situation.

However things pick up when Maxine later asks Beau out on a date.

Meanwhile, Sharon Bailey (Jamelia) and Felix Westwood (Richard Blackwood) have a heart to heart about Warren.

Sharon later comes up with a bold proposition for Warren.

Felix Westwood pictured with Mercedes McQueen.
Felix Westwood pictured with Mercedes McQueen.

Over at the McQueen’s, Mercedes McQueen (Jennifer Metcalfe) and her boyfriend, Felix Westwood (Richard Blackwood), seem to be getting along well.

However Felix’s best mate, Warren Fox (Jamie Lomas) worries about the secrets that Felix is currently hiding from her.

Freya Calder pictured during and art lesson with Hunter.
Freya Calder pictured during and art lesson with Hunter.

Plus, teacher Hunter McQueen (Theo Graham) helps student Freya Calder (Ellie Henry) with her art work and ends up confiding about his own past.

Fellow teacher, John Paul McQueen (James Sutton), worries about Hunter getting so close to Freya especially when he hears Hunter offering to do a drawing of her late mum Lexi (Natalie Anderson), who was murdered by serial killer,Silas Blissett in 2022.

Should John Paul be right to have alarm bells going off?

Hollyoaks airs Monday- Friday on C4 at 6.30pm 

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