Hollyoaks spoilers: Dave Chen-Williams turns to drugs again!

 Dave Chen-Williams is back taking drugs again in Hollyoaks. .
Dave Chen-Williams is back taking drugs again in Hollyoaks. .

Dave Chen-Williams (Dominic Power) resorts to his stash of drugs in tonight’s Hollyoaks on at 7pm (See our TV Guide for full listings).

Dave has been on a downward spiral ever since his wife, Honor (Vera Chok) walked out on him and the family.

Tonight he continues to lie to the people he loves and also deceives his new girlfriend Cindy Cunningham (Stephanie Waring) who has done her utmost to support him through his recent troubles.

Cindy is once again on a mission to lift Dave’s spirits and suggests that he come and join her in The Dog with Tony Hutchinson (Nick Pickard).

However, when Cindy and Tony start talking about their past and the relationship they had many years ago, it all gets too much for Dave.

Filled with jealousy and self-loathing, Dave once again turns to drugs.

Dave and Cindy smiling together.
Dave and Cindy smiling together.

Later on there is shock when he lashes out at the group and his brother, Ethan Williams (Matthew James-Bailey).

However, more drama is about to unfold when Tony uncovers Dave’s stash of drugs on the floor right in front of Police Officer, Zoe Anderson (Garcia Brown).

Will Dave confess that they belong to him or is someone else about to take the rap for him?

Brent in Hollyoaks.
Brent in Hollyoaks.

Elsewhere, over at the Nightingale’s, Cheryl, the mother of Rayne Royce’s ex, Brent (Jesse Fox), is on the warpath.

Cheryl accuses James Nightingale (Gregory Finnegan) of having Brent beaten up in prison in order to get him to confess to Rayne’s murder.

James flatly denies all knowledge. However, his husband, Ste Hay (Kieron Richardson), starts to suspect that Cheryl could be right.

As Ste starts grilling James for the truth, someone is listening in to their conversation.

Are they about to find out just who was behind Brent’s brutal attack?

And is James guilty as charged?

James Nightingale looking at his phone and Ste Hay in background.
James Nightingale looking at his phone and Ste Hay in background.

Meanwhile, influencer Rayne’s army of fans continue to parade around Hollyoaks village.

Nadira Valli (Ashling O’Shea) can see just how upset Rayne’s best mate, Lacey Lloyd (Annabelle Davis) is.

She suggests that now Brent has confessed to Rayne’s murder, it could be time for Lacey to get some kind of closure and move on from the whole horrible crime.

Later on James asks Lacey to help him put an end to all the social media posts that Brent’s mum, Cheryl, is publishing on Rayne’s account.

Lacey Lloyd looking serious in Hollyoaks.
Lacey Lloyd looking serious in Hollyoaks.

Over at the Maalik’s, Yazz Cunningham (Haiesha Mistry), who recently suffered an ectopic pregnancy, continues to experience menopause symptoms.

An emotional and raging Yazz, lashes out at her husband, Tom (Ellis Hollins) prompting an upset Tom to turn to Zain Randeri (Jonas Khan) for help.

Later on Zain’s wife, Misbah (Harvey Virdi) is determined to get to the bottom of all the relationship issues that her daughter Yazz and Tom are going through.

Is she going to learn the truth?

Hollyoaks airs Monday- Friday on E4 at 7pm

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