Hillary Clinton Uses a Mean Girls Meme to Fire Back at Donald Trump's Sarcastic Remarks About Her

Hillary Clinton wants President Donald Trump to stop trying to make “Crooked Hilary” happen.

Following confirmation that Clinton was not running for president in 2020, Trump shared his thoughts about the news in a sarcastic tweet. But instead of using her own words to hit back at her former opponent, Clinton let a not-so-subtle meme do the talking.

“‘(Crooked) Hillary Clinton confirms she will not run in 2020, rules out a third bid for White House.’ Aw-shucks, does that mean I won’t get to run against her again? She will be sorely missed!” Trump, 72, tweeted on Tuesday afternoon.

In response to his mocking remarks, Clinton, 71, tweeted clip from Mean Girls, in which Rachel McAdams’ character Regina George iconically asks, “Why are you so obsessed with me?”

Though this week was touted as Clinton’s first on-camera confirmation of her political plans, she has made no secret of the fact that she was not planning on another bid for the White House.

In a PEOPLE interview in 2017, Clinton was asked if she was open to running for office again, but she said, “No. I plan on staying active in other ways.”

RELATED: No, Hillary Clinton Is Definitely Not Running Against Trump Again in 2020 — but She’s Not Going Anywhere

Earlier this week, she echoed those sentiments to News 12 The Bronx. “I’m not running, but I’m going to keep on working and speaking and standing up for what I believe,” she told the outlet in an interview that aired Monday.

“I want to be sure that people understand I’m going to keep speaking out,” Clinton continued. “I’m not going anywhere. What’s at stake in our country, the kind of things that are happening right now are deeply troubling to me.”

“And I’m also thinking hard about how do we start talking and listening to each other again?” she said. “We’ve just gotten so polarized. We’ve gotten into really opposing camps unlike anything I’ve ever seen in my adult life.”

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

According to News 12, Clinton has met with multiple of the nominees for the Democratic nomination.

“I’ve told every one of them [the candidates]: ‘Don’t take anything for granted, even though we have a long list of real problems and broken promises from this administration that need to be highlighted,’ ” Clinton told News 12. “People need to understand that in many cases, they were sold a bill of goods. We can’t take anything for granted.”

“We have to work really, really hard to make our case to the American people, and I’m gonna do everything I can to help the Democrats win back the White House,” she added.

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Clinton, a former first lady, senator and secretary of state, unsuccessfully sought the presidency in 2016, when she narrowly lost the Electoral College to Trump despite handily winning the popular vote.

She went on to launch Onward Together, a group to support anti-Trump efforts as well as better equip the next generation of progressive leaders.

RELATED: Bill Clinton Opens Up About How Hillary Has Weathered Personal ‘Heartbreaks and Disappointment’

She also published a memoir, What Happened.

“Millions of people decided they just didn’t like me … it hurts,” she wrote.

But, she told PEOPLE in 2017, “I’ve never been one to sit around and mope. I’d rather stay busy. That’s what helps me most. And yes, Chardonnay helps too.”