Hillary Clinton Thinks 'No One Likes' Bernie

After everything that went on in the beginning of this year concerning politics and the looming of a possible war with Iran the landscape of how the candidates for the Democratic nomination are questioned has changed. As the group of possible presidential candidates has slimmed extensively people are becoming more excited. At moments it looks like Elizabeth Warren is receiving all the hype and then the wave hits Bernie Sanders. There is also a cult-like following behind entrepreneur Andrew Yang, and a moderate edge toward Buttigieg. Vice President Joe Biden who had major support and assuredness that he “had this in the bag” might be getting a run for his money. But, a past winner of the Democratic nomination and a former first lady commented on one of the growing stars in the race. Her sentiments were not so positive.


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A Repeat Of History

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton came out and let her feelings fly on what she thinks about Bernie Sanders and his chances of winning. It is a bit ironic that even now Clinton and Sanders are at odds after their shared experience of going at this game in 2016. Clinton beat out Sanders for the nomination which had a lot of the youth frazzled and upset. Many people who wholeheartedly had faith in Sanders and his ideals decided not to vote for Hilary in the last election. So, wouldn't it be more productive for the Democratic party to change up the formula and be at least publicly more cooperative.

Getting Closer To Election Time

Hillary, when asked about Sanders specifically, said that “no one likes him”. This overtly generalized statement blew up on twitter. Alike to when Warren accused Sanders of saying no woman could become the president the response ended up being one of a strong backing towards Bernie. When the debate happened hashtags went out of #women for bernie and the same thing transpired after Clinton mike dropped her opinion. There were in turn hashtags of #we like bernie. Interestingly enough the democratic party looks to be divided between traditional democrats and socialist democrats. With Sanders receiving bold support from a fresh faced Alexandria Ocasio Cortez it looks like Millennials are on his side. Right now all of the main candidates still have a straw in this fight. As random issues arise it gives each person the opportunity to explain how with their personal agendas they would react in unpredictable circumstances. Clearly this part of the race hasn't been easy, but in the large scope when it comes to the actual presidential one on one spars this mandatory walk through will have felt like a piece of cake.