Hillary Clinton In Los Angeles March 24 But George Clooney Fundraiser Date Not Yet Set: Update

UPDATED 2:35 PM George Clooney is going to be hosting a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton for sure, but it will not be on March 24, an insider tells me. The plan for the Big Ticket hootenanny hosted by the Hail, Caesar! star is still a work in progress with a solid date looked to be announced in the next couple of weeks, at most.

PREVIOUS 11:21 AM Just over a month after the last time she was in town grabbing for some dough from Hollywood donors on February 22, Hillary Clinton is coming back to L.A. on March 24 for a trio of events – which could include a George Clooney hosted fundraiser.

george clooney berlin hail caesar
george clooney berlin hail caesar

Sources tell me that plans are in motion for the Oscar winner to host a deep pocket event for the ex-Secretary of State in the very near future. However, they say nothing has been locked in yet and a possible March 24 event could be moved from the end of this month to a later date.

While not expected to bring in anything like the wallet bursting $15 million that The Idles Of March star helped raise for President Barack Obama back in May 2012, any Clooney shindig could be a big boost for the Clinton campaign – optically and financially. Even though he’s coming in second in the overall delegate count during the primaries, fellow Democrat and nomination rival Bernie Sanders has been out performing Clinton in raising cash in recent months. While Clooney himself has told the UK press he is doing a yet undated Clinton event, reps for the actor did not respond for comment about the potential March 24 fundraiser.

In what will be her eighth trip out to the Hollywood ATM since formally announcing her candidacy last spring, Clinton is for sure scheduled to attend at least one “Evening With Hillary” event on March 24 – likely in downtown L.A. Coming two days after the Dems’ Utah and Arizona primaries and the Idaho caucus, tickets for that fundraiser are ranging between $250 and $1,000. That’s a bit on the low end for Clinton events, where prices commonly go up to the individual primary max of $2,700 and way up to $27,000 for co-hosting and more privileges. No word if Clinton will be dropping by any Hollywood productions like she did on her visit here last month when she slipped on to the set of Scandal for what became a social media lovefest.

A bit closer to home, at least on the calendar, Clinton is set to debate Sen, Sanders on Sunday night on CNN in Flint, Michigan, just 2-days before that state’s primary. The next day, the former First Lady will be on Fox News Channel with the Vermont Senator for a town hall in Detroit.

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