Hero Leaves Bag of Shit on Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame Star

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Opportunistic Bible-thumper and racist inciter of violence Donald Trump has just had his Hollywood Walk of Fame star vandalized again.

As TMZ reports, Trump’s nearly unrecognizable star was found completely blacked out with spray paint. To (literally) top off the defacement, someone left a little bag of poop on the star. Considering the steaming piles of crap Trump and his administration have dumped on America, you could say the punishment fits the crime here.

Below the star was a tag for BLM, or Black Lives Matter, so it’s believed the vandals might have been part of the massive protests that took place in the area over the weekend. Check out a video showing the destroyed star below.

This is hardly the first time Trump’s Walk of Fame star has been desecrated, of course. Since Trump became president in 2016, the public monument has been smashed to pieces by a sledgehammer and pickaxe and spray-painted with Swastikas. Last year, someone spray-painted the phrase “Putin’s Bitch” over it.

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To no one’s surprise, Trump has not been handling the George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests well. In fact, late last month, he tweeted that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” a threat that even drew the ire of Twitter itself. The POTUS began this week by mocking Republican senator Mitt Romney for participating in local protests, though he just might be a little salty about the fact that his current polling numbers are lower than Romney’s during his own 2012 presidential campaign.

Hero Leaves Bag of Shit on Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame Star
Lake Schatz

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