HBO's Michael Jackson Doc 'Leaving Neverland' Has Sparked an Extreme Reaction

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Esquire

Part One of the HBO's Leaving Neverland debuted Sunday night, and almost immediately it split the internet into two camps: those who believe the contents of the documentary and those who relentlessly defend Michael Jackson. While there are always people taking both sides in high-profile celebrity scandals, the discussion surrounding the Jackson documentary, and the level to which fans are rallying behind the pop star, appear to be a bit more extreme.

The two-part documentary tells the story of Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who claim the late singer sexually abused them when they were young boys, and Jackson's 2005 trial, where he was found not-guilty of multiple counts of felony molestation. Before Sunday night, Jackson fans rallied around the singer with the intent of creating more backlash than support for the documentary. The ire and tenacity of Jackson fans were expected for weeks leading up to the documentary's debut. The New York Times reported that billboard and bus-side ads for a site called were purchased ahead of its airing. The site's webpage leads with the words: "Facts don't lie. People do."

But the attempts to stifle viewership were not enough to keep fans and dissenters alike from watching part one on Sunday night. As expected, Jackson family members, super fans, and general skeptics launched into a complete dissent of what the documentary presented.

The lead-up to the documentary has been complex, to say the least. Amid the premiere at Sundance Film Festival in January, the Jackson estate immediately released a statement slamming the film and the motivations behind it. The tension escalated after the Jackson estate filed a $100 million lawsuit against HBO, re-listed the Neverland Ranch at a much lower asking price, and released a Michael Jackson concert to presumably compete with the Leaving Neverland airing.

Sunday night on Twitter, many came to both the documentary and its subjects' defense.

The second half of Leaving Neverland airs Monday night on HBO.

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