HBO’s ‘Big Little Lies’ Pits Reese Witherspoon Against Laura Dern

HBO premiered its seven-part limited series Big Little Lies on Sunday night. The show takes place in Monterey, Calif., and is told through the eyes of three mothers played by Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, and Shailene Woodley.

The show starts with someone being murdered at a fancy fundraiser, although it’s unclear who was murdered, and there are no suspects… yet. The show then goes back to the day of the incident that set in motion the events that led to the murder. It was the first day of school for the kids, and Renata’s (Laura Dern) daughter was supposedly assaulted by Jane’s (Woodley) son. Renata’s daughter was forced to point out her attacker in front of the rest of the class and their parents, while Jane’s son denied the accusation.

Lines were drawn in the sand at that moment. Madeline (Witherspoon) and her good friend, Celeste (Kidman), who had just befriended Jane, immediately took her side, while other mothers jumped to Renata’s defense.

The next six episodes will reveal who was murdered, who committed the crime, and, ultimately, which side will win — if there are any winners at all.

Big Little Lies airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO.

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