'Happy Valentine's Day Mama': Joey Feek Shares Sweet Smooch with Daughter Indiana

Joey Feek had the love of her daughter Indiana to make Valentine's Day special on Sunday, despite her deteriorating health.

The country singer, who is dying of terminal cancer at age 40, shared a photo with the little girl on her Instagram.

In the image, Indiana, who will turn 2 on Wednesday, sweetly smooched her mother's lips while she laid in her hospice bed. Both Feek ladies wore pink and red in honor of the annual holiday.

"...Happy Valentine's Day mama," the photo was captioned.

Ahead of Sunday's celebrations, Joey's husband Rory Feek wrote in his blog that the couple's first-ever date was on Valentine's Day in 2002.

"The horse-vet clinic Joey worked for at the time, Tennessee Equine Hospital, had a Valentines get-together for their staff and she invited me to come with her," Rory wrote. "That night must've gone pretty well ... because two months later we were engaged and two months after that, Joey and I were married."

This year's Valentine's, although bittersweet, is significant for reasons beyond Rory's health.

"What I really want to do on this, our 14th Valentines together, is share a romantic candle-lit dinner with my bride: grill out rib-eyes on the campfire back home, pour two glasses of red wine and sit across from her at our kitchen table – just like we've done on more than one special occasion," wrote Rory. "But those things aren't able to happen this year."

Joey can't eat much and spends most of her days sleeping, according to Rory.

"So my hope this year instead is to hold her hand and take her on a 'virtual' walk down memory lane together... with pictures and videos on my laptop," Rory explained. "I want to take her back to where our lives first began together, and relive this beautiful journey that God has taken us on ..."

On Monday, the Feek's band Joey + Rory are up a, vying to win in the best country duo/group performance category. While neither will attend the ceremony, Rory's daughters from a previous marriage – Heidi, 29, and Hopie, 27 – will be in the audience.

Said Rory, "I can't imagine our names being called. But then again, Joey and I also couldn't have imagined us being where we are at all ... the good parts or the bad."