Happy Dog and His Grumpy-Looking Cat Buddy Have a Fluffy Friendship that Is Driving Instagram Wild

@casperandromeo / CATERS NEWS

Opposites attract!

Instagram's newest odd couple is Casper and Romeo. The pet pair belongs to Rinsa Li from Christchurch, New Zealand. Casper is a smiley Samoyed dog, while Romeo is a grump-looking feline. Both the furry friends are incredibly fluffy and love to go on adventures together.

And while it might not look like 2-year-old Romeo is having the best time in some of the photos, that's just the peke-faced cat's appearance.

"Romeo looks grumpy but he is the sweetest cat I have ever met; he allows everyone to hold him and gives great cuddles," Li told Daily Mail about the feline.

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The animal lover always wanted a cat but was worried about how Casper would react. After the 6-year-old dog spent an enjoyable playdate with a kitty belonging to Li's friend, Li decided to take the plunge.

Casper and Romeo kept their distance at first, but soon curiosity got the best of both of them. It only took a few weeks of adjustment for the duo to become inseparable. Now, the pair spends two hours of each day outside exploring New Zealand with their owner, who also happens to be a professional photographer.

@casperandromeo / CATERS NEWS

Li posts her shots of the pets to their Instagram @CasperAndRomeo, where they have over 43,000 followers. Fans seems to adore the differences between the friends, and the fact that in a world obsessed with cats vs. dogs these two have no problem just being buddies.

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When Casper and Romeo aren't on road trips, they can often be found cuddling together on the couch at home.

"It warms my heart so much to see them as siblings and I enjoy waking up to the both of them every day; I can't imagine a life without them," Li said of her adorable Instagram celebrities.