GWAR Urge Fans to Drink Bleach, Praise Trump for Suggesting People Inject Disinfectants to Combat Coronavirus

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GWAR usually are busy “murdering” famous political figures onstage, but now they’re praising President Trump. Why, you ask? Because the intergalactic warriors wholeheartedly agree with the the president’s suggestion that people inject disinfectants into their body to combat coronavirus.

To quickly recap, during a recent White House briefing, Trump pondered, “I see the disinfectant, where it knocks [coronavirus] out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs.”

Following Trump’s comments, several states reported numerous cases of people calling hotlines to see whether it was okay to ingest disinfectants as a means to destroy the COVID-19 virus.

With GWAR’s longstanding mission to destroy humankind, drummer Jizmak Da Gusha gave Trump major kudos before describing different ways to ingest bleach in a new PSA:

“It was really great to hear our president in America say that it was ok to, y’know, use bleach as a cleaner, or as a drug. I mean, GWAR’s been using it as a drug forever, so, y’know, this is the stuff. You can inhale it, that’s a fun way. You can try to smoke it, shoot it. Obviously, drink it is the best. That’s what I like to do, just get the big old bottle and chug away! So if you wanna stay safe from COVID-19, drink bleach, shoot it, smoke it. Like I said before, GWAR does it all the ways.”

Jizmak Da Gusha’s message comes a couple weeks after GWAR checked in with CNN while in quarantine. At that time, the drummer declared, “Once this [pandemic] is all over, we want to kill you up close. We like it personal. We don’t want a pandemic to take you guys out. We need to work, too, and that’s our job.”

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See Trump’s journey from GWAR foe to friend by watching Jizmak Da Gusha’s video PSA and revisiting the time GWAR disemboweled the president onstage below.

And kids, as a disclaimer, please don’t drink bleach. Somehow, we feel the need to mention that given all the questionable things we’ve seen people do during this pandemic.

GWAR Urge Fans to Drink Bleach, Praise Trump for Suggesting People Inject Disinfectants to Combat Coronavirus
Spencer Kaufman

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