Gus Dapperton's Charming, Synthy New EP 'You Think You're a Comic!' Is Here

The 20-year-old artist shows his range on a well-rounded new EP.

"I started singing three years ago. I was never a singer," Gus Dapperton told us earlier this year. "My singing voice is very specific to me. That's my natural voice when I sing."

He's right. The 20-year-old artist has a unique voice. Wisely, he leans into that fact on his new EP You Think You're a Comic!, stretching his vocals to the limit on songs like the dreamy "I Have Lost My Pearls."

We're still getting to know the charismatic young singer-songwriter after being blown away by his 2017 EP Yellow and Such, but this new project gives us a peek at his range. He pairs synth-heavy danceable songs like "Amadelle With Love" with surprisingly mellow moments like the subdued closer "Beyond Amends" for a nicely balanced four song EP.

You Think You're a Comic! is not yet on Spotify, but you can listen on Apple Music or YouTube below. We will update this post with a Spotify stream if/when it becomes available.

For more on Gus and how he's reimagining the modern rock star, watch our video with him below.

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