The guitarist who recorded himself playing the same Weezer solo lick for 990 days finally got to play onstage with them


It finally happened; after guitarist Evan Marsalli filmed himself playing the solo outro guitar lick to Weezer's Buddy Holly for 990 days and posted every one to TikTok, the band's Rivers Cuomo invited Evan to play with the band onstage and he's come good on his word. 

As we previously reported, Cuomo filmed a video duetting with Evan, in response to his repeated request, back in February and on 14 June followed it with an in-person version onstage in Madison, Wisconsin at the end of a 24-song set.

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Evan plays in the band Diet Life and set himself the task of diligently playing the lick until Cuomo noticed. It took a couple of years but he finally got there, playing an Explorer up on the drum riser next to Weezer stickman Pat Wilson. And yes, he played the lick.