Guest Opinion: Pregnancy makes women responsible for two lives

The whole discussion of abortion has changed in the last 50 years as ultrasound has revealed that the fetus quite rapidly starts to look like a human baby. It has also revealed that the fetus reacts to pain from the tools used during abortion and also to surgical instruments used to fix a birth defect while the fetus is still in utero.

These realizations add a whole new level of questions about the legitimacy and the timing of abortion. It is not the suctioning out of some “salamander-looking” creature after about 14 weeks. A top physician from Johns Hopkins just discussed that babies could survive outside the womb at about 22 weeks. Roe was decided in a time of general ignorance of this scientific knowledge. What are the implications of this new understanding?

How about not getting pregnant until you are ready to become pregnant and enjoy the most wonderful experience available to a human being — procreation? Rape and incest victims can be tested immediately and have the pregnancy terminated very, very early. They will not be forced to carry a baby to full term in those circumstances.

Late-term abortion is a crime against humanity and should be considered murder. It is murder. Ripping a baby limb from limb or sucking out its brain is barbarism on an unparalleled level. Any doctor or any patient who would allow that type of procedure should be charged and convicted of infanticide.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg felt the Roe decision was wrongly decided and could eventually be overturned. That day has finally arrived and women who have clamored for feminism and equality must also bear the responsibility that comes with that power. When you become pregnant you are now responsible for two lives, and you cannot casually use abortion as your method of birth control. That is a grossly irresponsible and inhuman. There is no excuse for the casual termination of a pregnancy but, if necessary, don’t wait until it is morally inexcusable.

Mike Zuroick lives in Langhorne.

This article originally appeared on Bucks County Courier Times: Guest Opinion: Pregnancy makes women responsible for two lives