Grey's Recap: A Little Bit of Big News — Plus, [Spoiler] Drops the 'L' Word

In the last Grey’s Anatomy of Season 19 before the two-part finale on Thursday, May 18, several relationships appeared to be reaching critical crossroads. Link was unnerved to learn that Jo had basically cleared pilot Sam for takeoff, tensions flared between Jules and Blue, and Simone and Lucas both seemed to be thinking what we have since she accepted Trey’s proposal: No. Just… no. On top of all that, Teddy and Richard had a big announcement to make. What was it? Keep reading.

‘IT’S BAD LUCK FOR THE BRIDE TO SEE THE ROOMMATE BEFORE THE WEDDING’ | As “Ready to Run” got underway, Simone tried on her gown with Mika’s help, only to have Lucas walk in. Ack! Or, in his word, “Wow.” At Grey Sloan’s coffee cart, Levi encouraged Helm to come back, if only for the java. Oh, “and you get to save lives,” he added, “in your pajamas.” Soon, Teddy and Richard announced that two of Grey Sloan’s doctors had been nominated for the Catherine Fox Award, Nick and Winston (in conjunction with Maggie). Patient Sam was cheerful, what with having shown his doctors how to treat someone who had broken 93 bones. But what had happened to Jo, he wanted to know. Had she just said that she was single because he might be dying? Cue Link looking like WTF. Nearby, Jules swapped out with Blue to join Bailey in treating roommate Max, who started making oodles of requests about what she’d like to happen in the event of her passing. Including feeding her cat, Mr. Darcy. At the same time, Teddy tantalized Lucas and Simone with a triple A: an abdominal aortic aneurysm. If only the patient wasn’t so eager to bolt that the doctors were forced to give chase.

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Following our first commercial break, Jo noticed when Sam asked for her that Link was annoyed with her and her “Disney princess eyes.” Nonetheless, she visited Sam. At first, he thanked her for saving his life. But then he admitted that he hoped maybe he could flirt with her while they played cards. Busy, she said. Still, sparks flew between them. He even deduced that she’d stalked his social media. (How was she not melting?) Later, she cracked that if he asked for a sponge bath, she was outta there. But she did help him with an itch inside of one of his casts. “Women don’t love aggressive flirting, at least from men,” Mika advised him. Nevertheless, Jo returned and, checking Sam, discovered a problem with his leg’s blood supply. At once, Wilson performed a ghastly procedure — and if that didn’t bond her and Sam, what was gonna?



| Pursuing runaway patient Ray, Teddy warned him that he could be in big trouble, medically speaking, if he didn’t get the surgery that he needed, stat. “You can’t force me to do this!” argued the illustrator. True. Once he had escaped his pursuers, Lucas caught up with him and spent more time with him than any doctor in history ever has with me, with the help of doodles, convinced him to go under the knife. “If a problem comes up, we have ways to address it,” Lucas assured him. Shortly, he revealed to Teddy that Ray had signed the consent forms. As he was being scanned, his aneurysm ruptured. Teddy would have to open him up on the CT table. Never a dull moment! Precious seconds passed, and still, Ray had no pulse. Seconds turned into minutes, and ultimately, he was pronounced dead. [Bleep]!

Greys anatomy recap season 19 episode 18 ready to run
Greys anatomy recap season 19 episode 18 ready to run

Off that heartbreak, Lucas phoned Ray’s family. “Those calls are never easy,” Nick said, adding that Adams had fought for the patient. “That matters.” Lucas replied that Ray had known he was dying. He understood that — he’d known his whole life that he was different. Why hadn’t his family realized that he had ADHD? “Maybe they were too busy being disappointed in me,” he said, adding that he hoped Nick would bag the Catherine Fox Award. “If I win, then we aren’t just losers?” Nick asked. Something like that. In other developments, Simone established that Mika was coming to the wedding; Lucas, not so much. When Helm came by, Mika said that “I need to be mad at you for a minute” for yelling at Teddy on her behalf. Apparently, they were not yet a couple; Mika refused to make the first move (hence, she had no plus-one).



| Moments after Max’s friends surprised her in her new room, Jules’ roommate took a fall going to the bathroom. Turned out, she had a brain lesion. Though Max was talking about being euthanized like an animal, Bailey pulled Jules from the case — for good. She clearly considered Max family. As the patient was wheeled into the O.R., she spoke of estranged son Pete, who was so independent… and Jules, whom she got to mother instead. Which didn’t make Millin lucky, Max said, “I’m the lucky one.” Thankfully, owing to Amelia’s expertise, the patient pulled through. After Nick said that he had no intention of attending the award ceremony, Richard approached Winston, worried that it would be awkward for him to be there with his ex-wife. No prob, he said. He’d be there. In that case, couldn’t Nick reconsider, regardless of Meredith? He wasn’t keen to, thanks all the same, but Webber barked that a no-show would be an insult.

Greys anatomy recap season 19 episode 18 ready to run
Greys anatomy recap season 19 episode 18 ready to run

As the hour neared its conclusion, Richard admitted to Levi that Helm’s requests before returning made sense. Then “please,” Schmitt said, “give her what she wants.” When Blue reported to Jules that Max was OK, he tried to be open with her. “I’m here for you,” he said. But she wasn’t having it… not in front of him, anyway. Alone, she broke down and wept. After Jo “sliced into [Sam’s] leg like it was a steak,” making Mika a third wheel in a patient room, Wilson signed the patient’s cast. “See?” he told Mika. “Ya gotta at least ask.” Soon, Helm reported to Levi that she was returning to Grey Sloan… as co-chief resident with him. His response? A big hug. Seconds later, Mika asked Helm to Simone’s wedding. “I like you-like you,” she admitted. Even if Taryn said no, “at least I asked.” Alas, Helm replied that she was about to be Yasuda’s boss. Then again, if the wedding was that weekend, their date would predate Taryn’s rehire. Yay! Moved by his interaction with Lucas, Nick agreed to take the flight to the Catherine Fox Awards. In Sam’s room, Jo scratched the back of the pilot’s neck for him… as Link walked in. “This woman is my hero,” Sam said. Though he had a reaction to the revelation that his crush and Link were roommates, he was undaunted in his pursuit of her. Finally, at the residents’ house, Lucas confided in Simone that he had ADHD… and that it meant that he had trouble saying what he meant. Overcoming that, “Don’t get married,” he pleaded with her. “Trey doesn’t see you, but… I see you. And I love… every single thing I see.” #tears

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