‘Grey’s Anatomy': Another Couple Bites the Dust

‘Grey’s Anatomy': Another Couple Bites the Dust

(Spoiler alert: Please do not read on if you haven’t watched Thursday’s episode of “Grey’s Anatomy”)

Well, this was kind of unexpected.

Thursday night’s episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” ended with Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) and his wife Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) calling it quits. It’s such a seemingly pivotal moment, but only took up about one minute of screen time.

The entire episode was dedicated to flashbacks of Owen, Megan Hunt (Abigail Spencer), Teddy Altman (Kim Raver) and Nathan Rigss’ (Martin Henderson) time serving in Iraq as well as Megan and Nathans’ explosive back story.

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In between those flashbacks, Owen spontaneously decides to accompany Megan on a road trip to Los Angeles while her son Farouk and Nathan are fixing up their L.A. home and getting it ready for move-in.

For the entire episode we learned about Megan and Nathan’s past — apparently, she cheated on him as well. We find out Owen is a little overbearing, Teddy is the best friend we’ve always wanted, and Nathan isn’t very good at watching kids because he lost Farouk for like 20 minutes.

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So, basically, during the entire hour-long episode, we had no warning whatsoever that Owen was about to go home to Amelia and just ask for a divorce. Especially since right after Shepherd had her brain tumor removed, she gave Owen an out. She let him know that he was free to leave if he wanted to because she understood that she wasn’t going to be the same person without this tumor, but Owen stayed because well, for better or for worse, right?

But when Hunt returns from his road trip with his sister, he walks in the house and immediately tells Amelia he wants a divorce because he’s not happy. Surprisingly she’s perfectly OK with it because she’s an understanding person who never gets to have nice things.

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