Memo to recording academy: Here’s how to make the Grammys telecast even better

Enough time has passed since the Grammys to start talking about next year’s ceremony. However, before delving deep into who could possibly be an early front-runner and whatnot, let’s address how the recording academy should handle everything Grammy-related. Here are four decisions and changes I’d like to see for the 2024 ceremony.

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Keep Album of the Year for last
A positive aspect of this year’s Grammys was the focalization of Album of the Year as the last and most important award. In some previous years the academy has put the spotlight on Record of the Year, even doing small interviews with the nominees for the 2021 show. However, any Grammy enthusiast will tell you that Album of the Year is by far the most coveted award and therefore should be the last presented. This year not only was the award the very last of the night, but the Grammys also introduced segments of fans explaining why their favorite of the nominees should win. Personally, I’d gravitate towards something a bit classier, perhaps like how the Golden Globes used to present each of the Best Picture nominees, or like how the Grammys did the Record of the Year clips in 2021. Nonetheless, it’s exciting to see that the Grammys are putting the focus back on albums, especially at a time when it feels like a lot of artists don’t value full bodies of work enough.

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More collaborations
The Grammys have been host to some memorable collaborative performances throughout the years. Who doesn’t remember the iconic Elton John/Eminem collaboration in 2001, or Macklemore and Ryan Lewis being joined by Madonna and Queen Latifah in 2014? Indeed, the Grammys are a place where everything is possible, and the star-studded collabs are among those big draws. This year, however, it felt like the collaborations were limited to the two tributes of the night (50 years of hip-hop and Berry Gordy), or songs that already featured the artists in question. Perhaps next year we can get some new crossovers performing together for the first time.

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Let’s step up the fashion game
This one is not directed at the Grammy producers, but at the invitees themselves. Listen, the Grammys are supposed to be music’s biggest night, so it would very much be appreciated if the fashion were on par with the event. This year’s red carpet ranged from truly questionable choices to just plain boring looks. This pales in comparison to iconic Grammy red carpet moments of the past, like Lady Gaga’s egg shenanigans or Jennifer Lopez’s internet-breaking green Versace dress. I am not asking for groundbreaking fashion, necessarily, but at least make it look interesting for us normal people at home.

As always, more awards
This year’s Grammys actually didn’t feel as performance-packed as the last few, which in my eyes is a good thing. While performances can be amazing, too many of them often feel unnecessary, especially when they’re crammed into an already-long show. Instead, a lot of awards would’ve been better. Like it would’ve been killer to see Wet Leg pick up one of their two awards on live TV, or perhaps get a televised speech from Muni Long for her first victory, and so on. I get that performances mean more celebrities which means more ratings, but I’m sure they won’t dip that hard if you trim some of them in favor of the awards we all come here for.

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