Governors Ball 2014: Glitch Mob on Being ‘Oddballs’ of EDM, Hardcore Fanbase (Video)

Los Angeles electronic trio the Glitch Mob doesn’t like to be pigeonholed when it comes to where they fit into the world of electronic dance music.

“I don’t think we really actually fit into any one scene, whether it be the EDM scene or the beat scene,” the Glitch Mob’s Edward Ma tells Billboard at Governors Ball in New York.

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“We’ve always looked at ourselves as kind of like the oddballs of electronic music. We’re obviously friends with a ton of people in those worlds, but we kind of exist on our own little planet. I think it’s more that maybe the promoters in the EDM scene — Insomniac, Ultra, etc. — just like booking us, and we’re really grateful for that.”

The Glitch Mob is touring behind “Love Death Immortality,” which debuted at No. 13 on the Billboard 200. The group, which has numerous other festival bookings in the coming months, can be heard on both TV and in theaters in the trailers for Robert Rodriguez’s “Sin City: A Dame To Kill For” and Tom Cruise’s “Edge Of Tomorrow.”

The trio’s Justin Boreta says much of the group’s growth in recent years is due to its hardcore fanbase, which they call “The Mob.”

“We have a group called the Mob that we meet up with at shows and we personally write them back and we have a relationship that we’ve built with them over the years,” Boreta tells Billboard. “So I think that because we have this amazing fanbase, they spread everything by word of mouth.”


Billboard’s Governors Ball 2014 Video

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