Gotham Knights Recap: F’Owl Play — Who Died Ahead of the Series Finale?

The week on Gotham Knights — ahead of the cancelled CW drama‘s series finale — one character came back from the dead (and then some!), while a whole new murder scene proved to be very bad news for Turner & Co.

While Duela and her mom laid low in a trailer home and prepared to make a new life for themselves (in anticipation of a windfall from “one last job” Jane pulled…), Turner and the others discovered in the attic the lapel camera that Cullen had worn as a faux cop, beeping because its battery was low. A quick consult with Carrie confirmed that this means that the main camera had never been destroyed, as Brody seemingly claimed via text message (actually sent by his mom after his “death”).

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Stephanie and Harper slinked into the building where Brody lives and found in his go-to hiding place the SIM card containing semi-compromising footage of the Owls’ murder of Cressida. In the course of eluding security, the gals discovered a secret 13th floor in the building — where they in turn found a coffin containing an alive Brody! And not only was he alive, but after being riddled with bullets by arriving goons, he revealed that he now cannot be killed, due to an Electrum dose administered by his mom dad.

Brody joined the team for their next mission, to crash that night’s big Court meeting and unmask the Owls, since all of their evidence to date is sadly circumstantial. Rebecca meanwhile lorded over said gathering, promising the masked attendees that she is going to dose them all with Electrum, so that they can live forever. But… in actuality, Rebecca’s plan, as revealed backstage to a freshly poisoned Lincoln, is to off her husband and frame him as the Court head, then use a flock of resurrected Talons to do her bidding.

And as the kids discover when they get past security to crash the dinner, all of the Owls have been slain by the Talons — while a poisoned Lincoln sits slumped at the head of the table. The GCP storms in just as the Knights process the grim scene, and the kids are promptly hauled into the cop shop for this “mass murder,”

All the while, because Turner & Co. had gleaned that Alan Wayne had a thing for hidden 13th floors, Harvey explored the one in Wayne Tower, where he found the coffins once occupied by the resurrected Talons. He also finds some old papers that reveal that Rebecca Leviticus had been engaged to Alan Wayne many, many decades ago. Rebecca then shows up, not looking “a day over 200,” and avows that her love for Harvey was always real. In fact, she wants him to join her at her side now, as they start lives anew. Harvey, though, rebuffs the offer from the crazy lady, earning him a rough apprehension from two goons.

Rebecca then sics her flock of Talons on the GCPD, to kill every one of the kids that just got hauled in for the Court’s murder….

Elsewhere, Duela — upon learning of her friends’ latest arrest on TV — tells her mom that she needs to leave to help her other family. Jane gives her grown-up “baby girl” a big ol’ hug… and then jabs her in the neck with a sedative, explaining that “the money’s just too good.”

What are your predictions for the Gotham Knights series finale next Tuesday? And does anyone suspect all those chemicals and candles in the room Harvey found will somehow play into his physical transformation into Two-Face?

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